As many as one million Americans live with Parkinson’s disease, which is more than the combined number of people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy and Lou Gehrig’s disease.*
Approximately 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease each year, and this number does not reflect the thousands of cases that go undetected.**

Parkinson’s Disease require increased levels of care as the conditions progress and increasingly make independence at home challenging. To maintain the highest level of independence possible at home, consider how our “evidence based” Parkinson’s Care Program, created and managed by Registered Nurses, can help safely achieve the highest level of independence and quality of life possible.
Here is how Inspired Care Services’ Parkinson’s care is successful:
- Caregiver training about our client’s care needs before going home
- Specialized certifications and education in Parkinson’s disease care
- Specialized Parkinson’s care at home
- Free nurse supervision every 2 weeks
Step 1: Needs & Home Assessments
Inspired Care Services provides a complimentary personalized needs assessment and home inspection to ensure safety and to maximize your independence at home.
Home assessment includes:
- Personal and Homemaking Care
- Nurses assess personal care needs and develop strategies utilizing private duty care to preserve and maintain the highest level of independence performing personal care tasks, such as bathing, dressing and bathroom needs, as well as, assistance with homemaking, meals and companionship.
- Mobility
- Nurses assess the knowledge and skill level of Mobility and activity to develop strategies utilizing private duty care to assist in the maintaining the highest level of safe and independence in mobility and activities at home and in the community.
- Safety
- Nurses assess the home environment for safety risks, such as trip hazards and furniture arrangement, and then develop strategies utilizing private duty care to decrease the risks for falls/ injuries while promoting independence.
Step 2: Caregiver Training
A caregiver is carefully chosen based on an assessment of your unique needs.
Inspired Care Services schedules caregiver training session with the client, all therapist and nursing staff to ensures consistency in care once home.
Our caregiver receive training in your specific care needs at home to maintain the best quality of life at home safely.
Our staff receives specialized education and certifications in Alzheimers and Dementia care.
Step 3: RN Supervision of Progress
Once home, a formalized Plan of Care is developed and monitored by Nurses, who visit every 2 weeks. This helps track progress to meet your goals and ensure we are the best services as promised!
*Parkinson’s Foundation, 2019
**Parkinson’s Foundation, 2019