Honoring Our Hero, Our Father
Our father was a man worthy of honor. His level of strength and courage far exceeded an average man. He persevered through life, despite many health obstacles. He often said, “life is a gift, make it count,” and that is exactly what he did.
We have created this Memorial Discount in honor of our father. He proudly served our country for five years during two wars. Chief Petty Officer Ensor was a decorated war veteran and was awarded the Purple Heart after suffering life-threatening injuries during the Korean War that persisted throughout his life.
It was after watching the limited care our father received during his final years that left an indelible impression on the two of us and motivated us to enter the field of healthcare.
– Roger Ensor RN

“Our Dad” Willard B. Ensor
Willard B. Ensor Memorial Discount

Veterans Discount
We honor our veterans who have served, defended and protected this great country we live in today. For their courage, valor and sacrifice serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, National Guard, Merchant Marines, Coast Guard or Reserves, we offer an instant discount on all our standard hourly and Live-in Care Services.

First Responders Discount
We proudly support our police, fireman and paramedics/EMTs that have served, defended and protected our community. For their courage, valor and sacrifice, we proudly offer an instant discount on all our hourly and Live-in Care Services.

Healthcare Providers Discount
We are proud of all the remarkable healthcare providers, physicians, nurses, social workers and all other that have dedicated their lives to helping others. For them we offer an instant discount on all our hourly and Live-in Care Services.

Qualifying for the discount
Simply inform us that you, your spouse, children, grandchildren or any immediate or extended family members are one of these great heroes. We do not require any documentation, as we honor their services.